In accordance with the requirements of collection, use and disclosure of information as set out in Article 10 of the Law 34/2002 of 11 July regarding Services of Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), we inform you that this website belongs to GALEOTA TOURISM SL (hereafter GALEOTA TOURISM) with Tax ID number (CIF) B93587848 and corporate address C/ El Cruce 3, 29550 Ardales – Malaga.

In accordance with the above mentioned law LSSICE, we do not carry out SPAM activities, which means that we do not send out commercial emails via internet unless they have been previously requested or authorised by the user.

GALEOTA TOURISM is not responsible for the misuse which is made of the contents of its website, this being the sole responsibility of the person who is either consulting or using them.

GALEOTA TOURISM takes no responsibility for any of the information contained on the websites of third parties which may be accessed through links or searches on the GALEOTA TOURISM website. The links on the GALEOTA TOURISM website are solely for information purposes and are in no way a suggestion, invitation or recommendation of these links.

GALEOTA TOURISM reserves the right to make any changes it may see fit to its website without prior notice; it may modify, remove or add both to the content and services it provides on said site, as well as the manner in which these are both presented or located.

All services contained on this website which are provided by GALEOTA TOURISM conform to current legislation and existing norms.

The transfer, sale, rental and/or public exposure of this website without prior authorisation of its owners is totally prohibited. The information and advice contained on the website are solely advisory in nature and GALEOTA TOURISM takes no responsibility for the misrepresentation or inaccuracy of said information or advice.

GALEOTA TOURISM refuses any contractual or non-contractual liability from any person or company which may suffer any type of damage from computer viruses or any type of computer element, not being able to be in a position to 100% guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements on the website.


Conditions of Use of the Web

Viajes Galeota offers on its website information related to the type of activity, products and services it carries out, with prior subscription and under the terms and conditions agreed upon.

Viajes Galeota reserves the right to update, modify or eliminate the information contained in and may limit or deny access to said information. Especially, Viajes Galeota reserves the right to eliminate, limit or prevent access to its website when technical difficulties arise due to events or circumstances beyond Viajes Galeota that, in its opinion, reduce or cancel the security levels adopted for the proper functioning of the Web.


Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses so-called “cookies”, text files that are installed on the computer and that make it possible to analyze the behavior of users on the Internet. The information generated by the cookie about the use made by the user of the website is transmitted and is usually stored in the Google servers in the United States. In case of activating the anonymous IP option on the website, the IP address will not appear complete within the countries of the European Union or in the other countries that have agreed to this within the economic space of the European Union. Only exceptionally the complete IP address will be transmitted to a Google server in the United States and once there it will be shortened. Only with authorization from the user of the page, Google will use this information in order to assess the user’s behavior on the website, generate reports on the activities of the website and offer the website owner services related to web use and Internet. The IP address transmitted by your browser in the framework of Google Analytics will not be associated with other Google data. The user can avoid the storage of cookies by configuring the browser accordingly so that cookies are not stored. This configuration can affect the full functionality of the web page. With the use of this website, the user agrees to the processing of data by Google in the aforementioned manner. The user can also avoid the registration of the data generated by the cookies and those related to the use of the website (including the IP address), as well as the processing thereof by downloading and installing the following plugin for the browser available through of this link: